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The National Quality Framework guides pedagogical practices by the 2.1.3 – Healthy eating and physical activity are promoted and appropriate for each child.


The Being Belonging Becoming EYLF, again guides pedagogical practices within Outcome 3 – Children have a strong sense of wellbeing; "Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing" (ACEcQA, 2022).


Alecia’s Family Day Care service is a unique service which enhances the concept of building an understanding for each child to meet their individual needs for nutrition, based on the Australian Dietary guidelines. Adapting a menu based on each Childs likes and dislikes with the opportunity for children to build on their existing knowledge of nutrition has taken time to effectively have a child-focused menu plan.  The parents are able to access this information or are to be debriefed of the choices for that day at ‘drop off’ or ‘pick up’ time. 


Water and Milk are the choices for thirst replenishment.  Occasionally there is V8 juice offered to top off their nutritional needs at the end of the day if, observations have identified a child is at risk of not meeting their recommended daily intake.  Sometimes children go off their food for a range of different reasons. Alecia’s Menu consists of whole foods.  This way we are able to make sure our food is not at risk of added sugar, salt and or additives. Alecia’s Menu is culturally sensitive and provides for a range of different cultures and is an extension of the child’s learning and curiosity beginning with the forethought of intentional learning. In the school holidays, we use this opportunity to explore different eateries in a planned non-routine excursion.  It may be China restaurant, an Italian restaurant, or a BBQ at the local park; there are so many places to explore.  This meets all the requirements of legislation and policies, National law Section 167, National Quality Framework 2.1.3.

For birthdays and other special occasions, we are fortunate enough to celebrate them in a variety of ways.  Life skills are important lessons children learn within Alecia’s Family Day Care Service.  Cooking is very essential to develop these important skills, making a list of ingredients, shopping, learning the value of money, reading a recipe, cooking and the joy of celebrating together are valued and promoted at Alecia’s Family Day Care. 


What does the Menu look like at Alecia’s Family Day Care Service?



 Different cereals, which may consist of Wheat Bix, Vita Brits, Sultana Bran, Rice Bubbles, Cornflakes for example.

Snacks are given on or around 10 am and 2.30 pm daily:  Assorted fruit, fruit platter, dry biscuits, vita wheat, and/or Salada with a range of toppings, vegemite and cheese, tomatoes, cucumber, cheese, and sliced ham and or yogurt. Yoghurt is also used some time for dipping our fruit in.



Sandwiches with a range of toppings, ham and cheese, salad, vegemite, and Toastie sandwiches are usually offered on cooler days.  Spaghetti on toast or baked beans on toast.  Salada’s and salad are also offered.

Lunch boxes: Sandwich and or Salada’s with a choice of topping, 2 pieces of fruit, cheese and dip or yoghurt.


Italian:   Pasta with a homemade bolognaise sauce or penne sauce (penne is rare as it is high in fat)

Asian Cuisine: Various stir fry’s served with steamed rice or fried rice or other child-initiated recipes.

Indian: A variety of spiced dishes and homemade roti bread and other child-initiated recipes.

Spanish:  Rice with bean sauce served with savory mince and potatoes, carrots, peas and broccoli or other child-initiated recipes.

The base of our main meals consists of

Meat:  Steak, Chicken, Mince, Sausages

Vegetables:  Potatoes, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Broccoli, Cauliflower, zucchini, corn and any other vegetables that is available from our local fruiterer.

Although I don’t make the bread, we use plain flour for the basis of our sometimes foods, for birthdays, for example, we bake a cake using flour butter, sugar and eggs.  We keep our ingredients whole and simple to meet the regulations


Icy pole or Fruit.

Menu plan guide (subject to variation). 


Menu Plan

Week 1



Am snack


Pm Snack



Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Assorted fruit and Dry Biscuits

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Steamed chicken, potatoes, peas, carrots and zucchini


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Cheese crackers with apples and bananas

Caesar Salad

Assorted fruit

Sausages with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and peas


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Assorted fruit and Dry Biscuits

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Savoury mince (homemade), potatoes, peas, carrots and broccoli


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Vita wheat and cheese biscuits

Spaghetti on toast

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Beef stir fry with steamed rice


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Rice cakes with vegemite

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Assorted fruit


Spaghetti bolognaise with cheese (homemade sauce)

Alecia packs each lunch box according to THE AM snack, Lunch and the Pm snack from the menu plan for that particular day


Week 2



Am snack


Pm Snack



Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Assorted fruit and Dry Biscuits

Homemade sausage rolls

Yoghurt with toasted muffins

Tuna Mornay with rice


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Cheese crackers with apples and bananas

Caesar Salad

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Steamed chicken with mashed potatoes, carrot, corn and broccoli


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Yoghurt and assorted fruit

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Apple Muffins

Tortilla’s with fresh salad


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Cheese and vita wheats

Spaghetti on toast

Popcorn with assorted fruit

Tomatoes Risotto with peas, carrot, zucchini. cauliflower


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Assorted fruit and Dry Biscuits

Pita wrap ham and salad

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Chicken stir fry with egg noodles


Alecia packs each lunch box according to THE AM snack, Lunch and Pm snack from the menu plan for that particular day

Menu Plan

Week 3



Am snack


Pm Snack



Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

A toasted muffin with cheese and assorted fruit

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Yoghurt with salad Salada’s

Steak, potatoes, peas, carrots and zucchini


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Cheese crackers with apples and bananas

Caesar Salad

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Beef Burgers with salad (patties homemade)


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Cheese and Dry Biscuits

Ham and cheese sandwiches

Apple Muffins

Brown rice, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, carrots, zucchini


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Assorted fruit and Dry Biscuits

Spaghetti on toast

Toasted muffins

Baked potatoes with salad and a little sour cream (one tea spoon)


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Assorted fruit and Dry Biscuits

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Homemade pizza’s on brown pita bread


Alecia packs each lunch box according to THE AM snack, Lunch and the Pm snack from the menu plan for that particular day

Menu Plan

Week 4



Am Snack


Pm Snack



Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Fruit salad and yoghurt

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Taco with Salad


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Cheese crackers with apples and bananas

Caesar Salad

Apple Muffins

Bean rice, savoury mince, potatoes, peas and carrots


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Fruit with yoghurt dip

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Homemade pikelets with lemon topping

Chicken Stir fry with steamed brown rice


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Assorted fruit and Dry Biscuits

Spaghetti on toast

Yoghurt and vita wheat

Beef stir fry with steamed rice


Cereal or Yoghurt or Toast

Yoghurt with fruit

Sandwiches with choice of filling-meat, vegemite, salad, banana etc.

Cheese toasted muffins

Tandoori chicken with potatoes, broccoli, corn, and carrots with homemade roti bread

Alecia packs each lunch box according to THE AM snack, Lunch and the Pm snack from the menu plan for that particular day


menu IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE and is varied to each individual need of a child. There are, however, times when Alecia does not have the items requested and the menu will need to be negotiated with the parent or child in each circumstance.

Please note, any special dietary requirements will require the parent or guardian to supply ALL the child's meals, to ensure the child is getting their daily nutritional intake. 



Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Government, 2011, My Time, Our Place, Commonwealth of Australia

Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Government, 2011, Being Belonging & becoming, Commonwealth of Australia

Guide to the National Quality Framework





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